I’m Eddie the Yeti and I have sleep apnea. Over time, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks to help improve the symptoms of sleep apnea. So, if you’re looking to have a better sleep and in turn, a better day, then keep reading for my top 5 habits you should implement if you have sleep apnea: Exerci... View Post
Today marks the start of the Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week. From May 6-12th, 2019, CMHA encourages Canadians to come together and talk about mental health. In honor of this week, I thought I'd touch on the effects untreated sleep apnea can have on your mental health. View Post
Hi, I’m Eddie the Yeti and I’ve had sleep apnea for some time now. I use a CPAP machine but was looking for something else to help improve my breathing. After a quick Google search I came across something interesting. “Didgeridoo for Sleep Apnea” ... Yes, you read that right. Playing a didgeridoo... View Post